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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Climate Connection: Quiz 3

Quiz #3 - What are the characteristics of waves? Do you think heat is wave(s)?
Please click on the link " " and respond with your answer by entering it as comment. You need to respond to each quiz before our next meeting.

Please note everyone on the Internet can see your answer.



Anonymous said...

Storm surge creats waves and so does tsunami.
-S (3rd grader)

nano-dano said...

Heat travels in waves.

Waves usually have white foam at their tips. They can create cylinders that steadily close. Waves can cause flooding and can be incredibly tall. The vacuum they create when going back into the oceam can suck you in. However when that water in creating the vacuum is incredibly shallow you can stand in it and you will feel like you are moving even though you aren't.

Vicki said...

Heat travels in wavelenghts.

Waves can be caused by many different things such as under-sea earthquakes (tsunamis) and ship wrecks, but most commonly, waves are caused by wind. The wind blowing will ripple the surface and cause waves. The strength and duration of the wind determines the size and velocity of the wave. Waves have many different parts. The crest is the highest point of the wave. The trough is the lowest point. The wavelength is the distance between either two troughs or two crests. Wave height is the distance between the current crest and the next trough. The wave period measure the size of the wave through time. You measure this by picking a stationary point, and timing how long it takes for a certain number of crests of troughs to pass through that point.