Since the Nanites are no longer in the FLL program, we have created a new site more catered towards FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge): website & blog.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Looking for tips to build robots?

A collection of tips can be found on the right side, under FIRST Lego League.

There are links to line following algorithms and some presentations made by our team members.

There are also external links to general lego robot construction, and other tips as well.

If you have questions or suggestions for improvement, please drop us a comment right here.

Thanks, Kingsum

Reminder: week 1 of acmqueue's Online Programming Challenge

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matt Slaybaugh <>
Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 1:21 PM
Subject: [qupdates] Reminder: week 1 of acmqueue's Online Programming Challenge

acmqueue Launches Online ICPC Programming Challenge for All Readers

On January 11, 2010, acmqueue launched an online programming competition
based on the 2009 ACM International Collegiate Programming Competition
(ICPC) Challenge.

The Queue ICPC Challenge applies the rules used in the ACM ICPC Challenge,
however the Queue competition is open to all acmqueue readers and not just
university students.

The 2010 Queue ICPC Challenge problem is a simple game called Capture.
Participants code "players" in C++, C# or Java, and then submit them to
compete in a tournament with other players.

In the past week we've had over 300 people register and now have 30 active

The challenge closes February 7 so there's still plenty of time to submit
your code and participate in our nightly matches.

For more information on how to participate, go to the Queue ICPC Challenge page.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Nanites are back.

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon.