Since the Nanites are no longer in the FLL program, we have created a new site more catered towards FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge): website & blog.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A few tips on debugging

Throughout the years working with the kids and coaches, we have found a few techniques useful for debugging for both RCX and NXT.

1. Add an icon in your program to play a sound when you expect something to happen, then watch the robot's motion to see if the sound is played at the right time.

2. Add a brief case, or a container to store a debug delay time, say, 2 seconds. Add an icon with that delay to locations you want to check proper behavior. For performance runs, you replace the brief case or container with 0 seconds and you get no delay at the table.

3. Use data logging, available for both RCX and NXT, and log the sensor readings or other events to a file and then review the file.

There are certainly many other techniques. But the kids like 1 the most as they can understand it. Some advanced kids can understand and use 2 effectively. Using 3 to debug is too much work for most kids.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Sylvan Nanites Going To FLL International Open

The Sylvan Nanites are invited to FLL Internatianal Open at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Campus. The FIRST Lego League International Event will be held from May 1 - 3, 2008.

Congratulations to the Sylvan Nanites!